Monday, December 10, 2012

Favorite Golden Quote

My favorite quote is taken from the character Yoda of the Star Wars Trilogy. I never really gave this saying much thought until my English teacher Mrs. Gest, who was one of the most inspiring and caring teachers I have ever had the honor of learning from:

"...Try not. Do or do not. There is no try..."

It means that by saying you will "try" to do something, you are facing an obstacle with a negative attitude; that you believe you will fail. The only choice we should make, in short, is 'Yes' or 'No.' I believe in this saying and it has helped me make better choices.


  1. Ms. Gest was an awesome teacher... Nice quote. It always reminds it is either 100% effort or no effort at all. Cool book, will read.

  2. haha! Mrs. Guess (is that how you spell it?)! 3 years together in her class man! I remember she yelled at a sophomore for not knowing what that quote meant
